
Script to Automatically change current MySQL server in wp-config.php to another MySQL host to minimize WordPress and Joomla downtimes

I’m running a two servers for a couple of home hosted websites. One of the servers is serving as Apache host1 and has configured MySQL running on it and the second is used just for database host2 – (has another MySQL configured on it). The MySQL servers are not configured to run as a MySQL MASTER and MySQL SLAVE (no mysql

Script to Automatically change current MySQL server in wp-config.php to another MySQL host to minimize WordPress and Joomla downtimes Meer lezen »

Installing Usual PHP Apache needed modules for new Debian GNU / Linux servers

Almost evertime whether install a new Debian Linux server to host some websites, use the popular small and mid-sized hosting solutioncombination:   Apache webserver PHP module to interpret the PHP programming code MySQL to store the DB Backend

Installing Usual PHP Apache needed modules for new Debian GNU / Linux servers Meer lezen »

How to disable Apache 2 version reporting to improve security

Debian GNU / Linux’s Apache default behavior is to report Apache server name, version and Linux distribution version and codename. This is shown as a minor security leak in many Security Scanner (audit) software like Nessus. It reveals a vital information which could help malicious attacker later to use exploit if the version number in question

How to disable Apache 2 version reporting to improve security Meer lezen »

Two wordpress plugins to accelerate wordpress opening times and decrease server load time

A combination of two wordpress caching plugins (Hyper Cache and Db Cachesignificantly improves the access times of a wordpress based blogs and websites. Installing the two websites has drastically improved my blog opening times, so in my view having the two plugins on every wordpress install out there is a must!  The plugins installation is straight forward,

Two wordpress plugins to accelerate wordpress opening times and decrease server load time Meer lezen »

Converteer HTML naar een PDF met wkhtmltopdf

Wkhtmltopdf staat voor ‘Webkit HTML naar PDF’. Dit doet precies wat er staat. Het is een open source command line tool welke ontwikkeld is door Apple die webpagina’s converteert naar PDF. Zelf gebruik ik het op een website om PDF’s te genereren. Je kunt een URL ingeven die moet worden omgezet, maar ook zelf HTML

Converteer HTML naar een PDF met wkhtmltopdf Meer lezen »